Siting of Septic Systems in Cache County

 Using a Desktop GIS



GIS in Water Resources/GIS for Civil Engineers

Fall, 2001


Team Members:


Tyler Smith

Ricardo Soto

Aaron Swank






1.0. Introduction

The protection of water quality is an important issue for communities around the state of Utah.  Each community expects to have an abundance of clean water for each of its members. Historically, water quality has been very high, but there are many factors that may have a negative impact on water sources. One factor is contamination due to septic systems. On-site wastewater treatment systems (referred to as septic systems for the remainder of the report) are highly effective when sited and installed properly, but contamination may result from incorrectly sited systems. A phenomenon known as "rural sprawl" has increased the number of septic systems in unsuitable areas, and created the potential for widespread groundwater contamination. Better education regarding wastewater treatment processes and increased availability of information for city planners is needed in order to protect Utah’s drinking water supplies. The objective of this project is to develop a GIS that will incorporate existing soil, groundwater, and land ownership information to enable city planners of Cache County to make more informed decisions regarding siting of septic systems. The project is aimed at a county planner responding to questions regarding septic system acceptability in a particular location, or other questions regarding water quality and soil suitability. We are assuming this person has basic knowledge and proficiency with desktop GIS.

2.0. Design Pathway

The following flowchart provides a summary of our approach to developing a GIS for suitability of septic systems in Cache County. 






















Figure 2.1. GIS Design Pathway.


3.0. Design Criteria

Septic systems are designed and installed in Utah according to the Utah Administrative Code, Rule R317-4. The last update to the rule came into effect on August 1, 2001. The following criteria are used in determining the acceptability of a septic system: soil type and depth, area drainage, lot drainage, potential for flooding, protection of surface and ground waters, setbacks from property lines, water supplies, source of culinary water, topography, geology, hydrology, ground cover, availability of public sewers, activity or land use, present and anticipated growth patterns, individual and accumulated gross effects on water quality, reserve areas for additional subsurface disposal, anticipated sewage volume, climatic conditions, installation plans for wastewater system, and if the area is to be utilized by dwelling and other structures.  The aspects of the rule that may be utilized in a GIS are summarized in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Septic System Design Requirements.

Design Criteria


Depth to groundwater

At least 24 inches below the bottom of the absorption system excavation and at least 48 inches below finished grade

Percolation rate, defined by soil texture

TYPE       RATE(min/in)   SYMBOL (USDA Soil Classification)
1     Good          1-15          Sand, Loamy Sand
2     Fair            16-30         Sandy Loam, Loam
3     Poor           30-45         Loam, Silty Loam
4     Marginal     46-60        Sandy Clay Loam. Silty Clay Loam,(g).

5 Unacceptable      Clay Loam, Clay Bedrock, fractured                            bedrock, hardpan, (including unacceptable ground water table elevations)

Distance from public water supply source to septic tank.

100 feet

Distance from non-culinary well or spring to septic tank.                  

25 feet

Distance from individual or nonpublic water supply source (spring) to septic tank

50 feet

Distance from culinary water supply line to septic tank                   

10 feet

Source: Utah Department of Environmental Quality,


            Septic systems in Cache County, UT, are also subject to drinking water source protection guidelines outlined in Chapter 16 of the Cache County Zoning Ordinance. The ordinance designates four drinking water protection zones, defined in table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Definition of Cache County Drinking Water Protection Zones.                

Drinking Water Protection Zone

Protection Criteria


100-foot radius from the well or margin of the collection area.



250-day groundwater time of travel to the margin of the collection area, boundary of the aquifer(s) which supplies water to the groundwater source, or groundwater divide, whichever is closer.



3-year groundwater time of travel to the margin of the collection area, boundary of the aquifer(s) which supplies water to the groundwater source, or groundwater divide, whichever is closer.



15-year groundwater time of travel to the margin of the collection area, boundary of the aquifer(s) which supplies water to the groundwater source, or groundwater divide, whichever is closer.


It also states

“No person shall place, maintain, or operate onsite sewage disposal

from a septic tank within the Zone 1, Zone 2, or within 300 feet of

any public street in which a public sewer is laid. Septic systems in

Zones 3 and 4 shall comply with the Utah Department of Health

Care of Waste Disposal Regulations, Part IV and Part V.”

These criteria were used in determining areas of septic tank suitability for this GIS.


4.0. Data Collection

The entire team (Aaron, Ricardo, and Tyler) was involved in the data acquisition process. Tyler was instrumental in obtaining data layers (parcel information, recharge zones, drinking water protection zones, and wetlands) from the city (see correspondence records in Appendix B). The team was able to receive clearance to use the parcel information from Lynn Lemon, the Cache County Executive. Aaron added the soil survey information for Cache County from a CD ROM obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture. Ricardo obtained Cache County information from the Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC). Data collection took more time and effort than was anticipated, and not all the data desired was obtained.


5.0. Data Analysis

Once the data layers were obtained, GIS analysis could begin. The first step was to identify whether or not the same projection was used for each theme. It was found that data from the AGRC was projected using UTM (NAD 83) Zone 12 in decimal degrees, and the data obtained from the Cache County Regional Planning Office was in meters. Each theme was projected in meters in order to preserve the correct scale.

The second step was to evaluate the information presented in each theme in regard to the criteria for septic tank suitability outlined in the state of Utah Administrative Rule R317-004 and the Cache County Zoning Ordinance. Data that fit the criteria were locations of drinking water sources, groundwater recharge areas, and drinking water protection zones. These data were used in further analysis.

The third step in analysis was to determine the location of drinking water protection zones in Cache County. Zoning shape files obtained from the county were modified to include drinking water sources, zones 1 and 2, zones 3 and 4, and the city boundaries in a new view. Zones 1 and 2 are unsuitable for septic systems as described in Chapter 16 of the Cache County Zoning Ordinance.

The fourth step involved creating a new shapefile from the recharge zone theme. The recharge zone theme was classified into discharge, primary recharge, and secondary recharge areas. Primary and secondary recharge zones are unsuitable for on-site wastewater treatment system installation. These two layers were combined into a new shapefile to further delineate unsuitable areas.

This new shapefile was combined with zones 1 and 2 from the drinking water protection zones theme generated in step three. The geoprocessing extension was added to ArcView in order to use the geoprocessing wizard. The union tool was then used to create a new theme combining primary and secondary groundwater recharge zones and drinking water protection zones 1 and 2, This new theme was called Unsuitable Areas.

 Parcel information was then added in order to determine which parcels were suitable for on-site wastewater systems. When the “select by theme” tool was used to find all parcels “completely within” the unsuitable area, it was found that not all the parcels that seemed to meet this criteria were selected. It was discovered that the layer created by the “union” tool kept drinking water protection and groundwater recharge zone delineations that affected the analysis. This problem was overcome by making the layer created by the geoprocessing “union” tool into a single theme without any zone delineations. This theme was then added to a new view containing parcel ownership information for Cache County.

This view provided a visual representation of the suitable and unsuitable areas for on-site treatment system installation, but another aspect of the project was the creation of a query mode product. Query criteria of “Yes”, “No”, and “Conditional” were determined based on whether a parcel lies completely outside, completely inside, or partially inside an unsuitable area respectively. The “select by theme” tool was used to first determine the parcels that were “completely within” the unsuitable boundaries. The feature table was then opened for editing and a field titled “Septic” was added. Using the “field calculator” tool, the selected parcels were assigned a value of “No” in the “Septic” field. The “select opposites” tool was then used to determine the parcels that were in effect “completely outside” the unsuitable areas. Using the “field calculator” tool once again, the selected parcels were assigned a value of “Yes” and added to the table. In order to determine the parcels that were partially in an unsuitable area, the parcels with a value of “Yes” and “No” were selected and the “select opposites” tool chosen again. All selected parcels were assigned a value of “Conditional” and added to the field. The result of the table editing was creation of a new field that may be queried with respect to septic tank suitability. This represents the query mode aspect of the project, and may be accessed from the view titled “Query View”.

The final step was to create a view using the new “Yes”, “No”, and “Conditional” parameters to classify all parcels in Cache County with respect to septic tank suitability. This parcel classification view represents the product mode aspect of the project and provides a qualitative visual reference for septic tank suitability.


6.0 Final Products

            The goal of the project was to create a desktop GIS program with both product and query mode potential that may be used by a county planner as a decision making tool. The query mode portion of the GIS allows a person to determine whether a specific parcel is suitable for installation of a septic system. A parcel may be queried using tax identification number, parcel identification, parcel number, owner name, or owner address. The GIS will select the particular parcel, but in order to see it in the view, the “zoom to selected” button should be used. This tool will bring the selected parcel into full view. The details of the parcel may be viewed using the “identify” tool. Septic tank suitability may be identified by viewing the “Septic” field at the bottom of the table. The query will return a value of either “yes”, “no”, or “conditional” in this field, corresponding to septic tank suitability in that particular parcel. An example of a query and parcel identification is shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1. Query 1: Unsuitable Site.


The query returned “No” for septic tank suitability as the entire parcel lies with an unsuitable zone.

An example of a query using parcel number is shown in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2. Query 2: Conditional Suitability.


This query returned “Conditional” for septic tank suitability as part of the parcel lies within an acceptable zone and part of the parcel lies within an unsuitable zone. Further investigation of the exact location of the proposed system would be required before a decision is made.

Figure 5.3 shows a query using the address of the owner of a particular parcel.

Figure 5.3. Query 3: Suitable Area for Septic Tank.


The query returned “Yes”, indicating the parcel lies completely within an acceptable zone for installation of an on-site wastewater treatment system. The system may then be designed following site specific analysis.

Other examples of other queries possible with this GIS include, but are not limited to: (1) What portions of Cache County may be acceptable for on-site wastewater treatment systems? (2) What parcels in Logan City may be acceptable for on-site systems? (3) Where are the recharge zones? (4) Where are the drinking water sources?

The product mode aspect of the project is represented in the final layout. This map shows the criteria used in establishing the suitable, unsuitable, and conditional zones for installation of septic systems. These areas are defined by the drinking water protection zones (Zone 1 and 2) and groundwater recharge areas (Primary and Secondary Areas).

A final project document was compiled onto a CD using the Archive_Project_PC13.avx extension obtained from the ESRI website. This extension reads the only the project file and copies all the data and extensions from this file to a target directory. In this manner, only the files associated with this particular project are included on the CD for ease of data use and management.


7.0. Conclusions and Recommendations

The parcels in Cache County were designated according to their suitability for septic tank installation using the GIS analysis previously described. The results are summarized in Figures 6.1 and 6.2. Figure 6.1 shows the number of parcels in each suitability category.

Figure 6.1. Septic Tank Suitability Summary by Total Number of Parcels.


Using the parcel totals in the figure, approximately 56% of all the parcels in Cache County were defined as suitable for septic tank installation, 40% as unsuitable, and 4% as conditional according to the criteria used in this project. Figure 6.2 shows the percentage of the total area of Cache County in each suitability category.

Figure 6.2. Septic Tank Suitability by Percent of Total County Area.


As seen in the figure, 71% of the total area in Cache County is designated as suitable, 12% as unsuitable, and 17% as conditional.

The value of suitable areas in both figures is assumed high for several reasons. First, the septic tank design criterion of slope was not included in the analysis. Since only drinking water protection zones and groundwater discharge areas were used, the mountain areas east of Cache Valley were included in the area designated as suitable for septic tank installation. It is assumed that a majority of this area would be categorized as “unsuitable”, and a data layer including slope would eliminate those areas and provide a more accurate estimate of parcel number and area.

Second, although septic tank suitability is highly dependent on soil type and texture, the soils theme was not included in this analysis. A theme including data from the Cache County Soil Survey was obtained from several sources. This data included soil type as well as its associated engineering significance. However, the metadata could not be obtained after significant effort, and the soil theme was excluded from the septic tank suitability analysis. This theme may be used in the current project to simply identify soil type at a particular location. It was also discovered that the soil survey information was not consistent between sources. Different soil types were identified for the same parcel of land using data from different sources. The accuracy of the data was evaluated using the Cache County Survey book obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture. Addition of this data into the analysis functions is recommended for future assessment. However, careful examination of this data is necessary before making it available to the public.

Another theme that would have been useful for analysis is the depth to groundwater data for Cache County. Contact was made with various people throughout the state, but the theme could not be obtained (see Appendix B for correspondence records). Addition of this data is also recommended for more accurate suitability analysis.

            Although this GIS is specifically related only to Cache County, the concept may be applied to other counties around the state of Utah. This project outlines the data needs and the analysis process required to develop a similar GIS for any location, and may be used as a model for future work.



Important Historical Farmlands of Utah, Version 2 . CD-ROM. Utah State University Extension Services.

Lemon, Lynn. Cache County Executive. Personal Communication. November, 2001. 

Teuscher, Mark. Cache County Planner. Personal Communication. November, 2001.

United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service and Forest Service. Cache Valley Soil Survey. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974.

“Rule 317-4. Onsite Wastewater Systems.” Utah Department of Environmental Quality. November, 2001.